Tuesday, 11 October 2022
成大生科系演化生態學實驗室 (許祐薰老師) 徵求宜蘭水鳥調查志工數名 Opportunity to volunteer in shorebird survey in Yilan!
Monday, 19 September 2022
成大生科系演化生態學實驗室 (許祐薰老師) 徵求兼任助理/臨時工兩名 Two part-time job vacancy in the Evolutionary Ecology Group (Dr. Yu-Hsun Hsu) in NCKU
Monday, 24 January 2022
End of Year (for the year of Ox in 2021)!
許祐薫(Hsu, Yu-Hsun)
After a super busy semester where everyone was pushing their limits on their research projects and new methodology, along with courses, exams and symposiums, and under the pandemic, finally we reached the end of year for the Year of Ox!
End of Year student presentation at CABE - checked!
Well done, Andreas, Chengwei, Paggy and Peilun!
End of Year Progress report - checked!
It's the very first time we ever had a lab meeting longer than 1 hour! We had a good discussion, but let's aim on limiting it within 1 hr next time. ;)
End of Year Lab Lunch Out - checked!
It was also a farewell to Tammy and Hongwei. Thanks to your contribution in the past 1-1.5 years. Have fun in Kingmen & for marine mammals, respectively! (Sorry, Andreas, you missed out the fun. Next time!)
- with rock music, of course.
PhD studentship: Environmental effects on extra-pair mating in birds
PhD studentship based in Taiwan 2025-2029 About the Project: Extra-pair mating occurs when an individual mates with one(s) outside of his...

PhD studentship based in Taiwan 2025-2029 About the Project: Extra-pair mating occurs when an individual mates with one(s) outside of his...
工作內容: 協助整理資料與數據。 Work description: Data collection and data entry 工作時數: 每週 6-10 小時,可視課程與考試狀況調整。 Working hours: 6-10hr a week, the working...
團隊中的印度籍博班生 Shalini Jain 是個對水鳥研究有著多年經驗和高度熱忱的學生,但她上週開始在宜蘭的水鳥調查遇到了哪些障礙? 1. 鳥太害羞很難找 2. 語言障礙 3. 下雨太多天,壓縮能做調查的時間 4. 以上皆是 答案是: 4,以上皆是! 因...